Tyler Carr


Arconian Servitor


Arconian Servitor is a Discord bot that handles the screening process of new members who want to apply to join the Imperium of Arcon Roblox Discord server.

To use the bot, users first join the Imperium of Arcon Processing Discord server. They react to the message that the see upon joining to confirm they've read the terms and conditions, and the bot sends them instructions via a direct message. Users then fill out the Google Document and send it back to the bot. After this, the bot notifies the team of processors in the Processing Discord server that there is a new applicant.

The bot also provides an efficient way for processors to review applications. When a user applies, the bot takes note of the Google Document link that they applied with and sends this to a dedicated channel that only processors can see in the processing Discord server. Processors can then react yes or no to vote depending on if they think the applicant should be accepted. After 4 votes, a processor with elevated privileges confirms the vote and whichever action has the most votes is the one that is taken and the user is notified of the action. The application is then moved from the pending channel to the respective completed archive channel to ensure the same user does not apply again.

All data for this Discord bot is stored in Discord itself. There is no database involved. The bot relies heavily on Discord's cache to determine verification for things, such as whether or not a user clicked on the reaction to verify they read the terms.

Last Updated

Mar 2021


Mar 2021

  • Node.js
  • Discord.js